Aminet 16
Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso
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"Nothing personal, but you look like hell."
-- Garibaldi (to Ivanova), "Babylon Squared"
I: "God, I hate mornings."
S: "We've noticed. Personally, I find it the best part of the day."
G: "Oh, me too."
I: "We all have our cross to bear."
-- Ivanova, Sinclair and Garibaldi, "Babylon Squared"
"Garibaldi, you're a dead man!"
-- Susan Ivanova, "Babylon Squared"
"Are you sure you don't require a pilot, Ambassador?"
'Quite sure. Some things one must do alone.'
-- Babylon Control and Delenn, "Babylon Squared"
"Oh, God. It's starting again. It's starting again!"
-- Major Louis Krantz, "Babylon Squared"
"Okay. It's morning. You're getting ready to go to work. You pull on
your pants. Do you fasten and then zip or zip and then fasten?"
'What kind of question is that?'
-- Garibaldi and Sinclair, "Babylon Squared"
'Why do you want to know?'
"Why do I want to know? Because I think of these things sometimes. I was
getting dressed this morning, for a second, I couldn't remember which
I did first. I started thinking about it: does everybody do it the same
way? Is it a left-handed, right-handed thing?"
'You think about this stuff a lot?'
"Yeah. Look, okay, I'm sorry I asked. You're always so serious all the time.
Not every conversation has to be the end of the world as we know it."
-- Sinclair and Garibaldi (re: fasten-zip), "Babylon Squared"
"Fasten, then zip. You?"
-- Sinclair and Garibaldi, "Babylon Squared"
"How much longer?"
'One hour, fifty-seven minutes. . . You wanna talk socks?"
'It's just a question.'
"I'm not having this conversation."
-- Sinclair and Garibaldi, "Babylon Squared"
"Summoned, I come. In Valen's name, I take the place that has been
prepared for me. I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star.
We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light."
-- Satai Delenn, "Babylon Squared"
D: "Why have I been called?"
#1: "It has been ten cycles since Dukaht has left this world to take his
place with Valen and the Nine who were, ten cycles since our people had
a leader. The time of mourning is complete. We must now choose another."
#2: "In your absence, we have discussed, debated, prayed for guidance. We
must choose wisely and well."
D: "Why was I not told of these deliberations?"
#1: "We thought it best in light of our decision."
#2: "You have been chosen to lead us. Of all the Council, you have seen
most, traveled most, know much of the other species, their world and
governments. There could be no other choice."
-- Delenn and Grey Council #1 & 2, "Babylon Squared"
"They burned through level 7 and 8. Can't stop 'em! They're everywhere!"
"Look, I've rigged the fusion reactors, but there's not much time. Get
going. I'll hold 'em as long as I can. Look! Come on. This isn't a
conversation. Jeff, it's okay. I finally understand. This is the
moment I was born for. Now go. Go! Go! Go!"
'Wait! Wait!'
"They're coming through. Take that! Take it! You want some? How 'bout
you? How 'bout you? Take some! Take some! Take some!"
-- Garibaldi and Sinclair (in the future), "Babylon Squared"
"If I enter the Great Hall, I'll never leave it again. I will live out
my days and my nights in that place."
'Yes. It is a great honor.'
"I cannot do it. I cannot accept the calling."
'In over a thousand years, noone has refused.'
"Perhaps it is time. I hear their calling. I know their reasons for
it and a part of me yearns to accept, but I must listen to the greater
calling of my heart."
'And what does your heart tell you?'
"That I must stay where I am, that I must remain with Babylon 5, that I
have a part to play in the change that is coming."
-- Delenn and Grey Council #1, "Babylon Squared"
"Do you know what you're doing? Are you fully aware of the consequences?"
'Yes, I am.'
-- Grey Council #1 and Delenn, "Babylon Squared"
S: "Why do you need Babylon 5?"
Z: "Zathras tell, you let Zathras go? Finish what Zathras came for?"
G: "Zathras tells maybe we don't break Zathras scrawny little neck."
-- Sinclair, Zathras, and Garibaldi, "Babylon Squared"
"Great war, terrible war. There is much killings. Everyone fighting...a
great darkness. It is the end of everything! Zathras warn, but no no
noone listen to poor Zathras, no. Great war, but great hope of peace.
Need place. Place to gather, to fight, to organize."
'You need Babylon 4 as a base of operations in a war, is that it?'
"To help save galaxy on the side of light. So they tell me. Must have
or it is the end of all. The One leads us. The One tells us to go,
we go. We live for the One. We would die for the One. We pulled this
place through time to save us all."
-- Zathras and Sinclair, "Babylon Squared"
"Much apologizing. Mathematics not Zathras skill."
-- Zathras, "Babylon Squared"
"It is the One."
'He's in pain.'
"Yes. Much pain. Warned him, Zathras did, but willing to sacrifice himself
for others. We stopped the time taking to let these escape station."
'You're saying he deliberately stopped Babylon 4 to let the crew get off?'
-- Zathras and Sinclair, "Babylon Squared"
"This Council stopped the war against the humans because of prophecy,
because Valen said that the humans, or some among them, had a destiny
which we could not interfere with. It was my place to study them, to
determine if the prophecy was correct. I have not yet finished that task."
-- Satai Delenn, "Babylon Squared"
#1: "What is it that makes the humans so special? What is it that draws
you to them?"
#2: "They fight. They argue. They are ruled by passions and fears."
D: "Yes, and that is their strength. They do not seek conformity. They
do not surrender. Out of their differences comes symmetry, their unique
capacity to fight against impossible odds. Hurt them and they only come
back stronger. The passions we deplore have taken them to their place in
their stars and will propel them to a great destiny. Their only weakness
is that they do not recognize their own greatness. They forget that they
have come to this place through two million years of evolution, struggle
and blood and they are better than they think and nobler than they know.
They carry within them the capacity to walk amongst the stars like giants.
They are the future and we have much to learn from them."
-- Grey Council #1 & #2 and Delenn, "Babylon Squared"
"Think hard, Delenn. This Council has never before been divided. We
may best avoid division by removing you from our company. You
could become outcast."
'I understand, but I must do what I believe is right.'
-- Grey Council #1 and Delenn, "Babylon Squared"
"Zathras die, but Zathras die for cause. Maybe stop great war. Maybe
Zathras great hero. Maybe build statue to Zathras and others come,
remember Zathras."
'What if we take you with us, put you on trial?'
"Zathras not of this time. You take, Zathras die. You leave, Zathras
die. Either way, it is bad for Zathras."
-- Zathras and Major Louis Krantz, "Babylon Squared"
"Zathras does not want to die, but if it is the only way, then Zathras
dies. It is *life*."
-- Zathras, "Babylon Squared"
"I don't understand you, Michael. We've got a good life here; we've got
history. You've met this Sinclair character twice and now you're off to
Babylon 5, just like that. Doesn't what we have mean anything to you?"
-- Lise Hampton (to Garibaldi in the past), "Babylon Squared"
"I think you've got something to prove, that somehow maybe taking this job,
will mean the last five years didn't happen, but I'm part of those years,
Michael, and I will not go to Babylon 5 with you. It's got to be one or
the other."
-- Lise Hampton (to Garibaldi in the past), "Babylon Squared"
"Go. Leave me!"
'I can't!"
"Go. You must listen to Zathras. You have a destiny. Go. Please.
Go for Zathras."
-- Zathras and Sinclair, "Babylon Squared"
"Zathras knew you would not leave him. Zathras trusts The One."
-- Zathras, "Babylon Squared"
"I tried. I tried to warn them, but it all happened just the way I
remember it."
'I know. It's time. We have to go. They're waiting for us.'
-- Sinclair and Delenn (in the future), "Babylon Squared"
"You think that bit was true about a great war and Babylon 4 being the
base for someone to try to bring peace to the galaxy?"
'I don't know, but if it is true, I wish them luck. The station was built
to create peace. Maybe now it'll do so in a way nobody ever expected,
but it's still on the same mission.'
-- Garibaldi and Sinclair, "Babylon Squared"
"These are curious times, Delenn. I feel a great change in my bones.
A new beginning, an end, I cannot say. We are surrounded by signs
and portents and I feel a darkness pressing at our backs."
-- Grey Council #1, "Babylon Squared"
"We don't know where Babylon 4 was going or when it was going. Who knows?
It may show up again sometime."
'Well, if it does, this time I'm going and Garibaldi's staying here.'
-- Sinclair and Ivanova, "Babylon Squared"
"You take Zathras, Zathras die. You leave Zathras, Zathras die. Either way,
it is bad for Zathras."
-- Zathras, "Babylon Squared"
"Oh, Lise wait, no. You gotta listen to me, don't leave me again.
We can work this out."
-- Garibaldi, "Babylon Squared"